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سومين كنفرانس بين المللي الكترونيك قدرت و سيستمهاي درايو
به گزارش پایگاه فراخوانهای علمی پژوهشی کشور (callforpapers.ir) در این کنفرانس 88عنوان مقاله تخصصی شامل 517 صفحه منتشر گردیده است. کلیه مقالات از طریق سیویلیکا قابل جستجو و دریافت می باشند
لیست مقالات منتشر شده درسومین کنفرانس بین المللی الکترونیک قدرت و سیستمهای درایو
A Single to Three-Phase Z-source Matrix Converter
A Novel Minimized Switch Two-Phase Matrix Converter for Driving Two-Phase Induction Motor
Sawtooth Switching Strategy Implementation for Indirect Matrix Converter
An Improved MPWM for Current-fed Z-Source Inverter with High Current Gain and low Current Stress
Z-Source Three-Phase Four-Switch Inverter with DC Link Split Capacitor and Comprehensive Investigation of Z-Source Three-Phase Four-Switch Inverters
Robust Sliding Mode Voltage Model Observer for Sensorless PTC of Induction Motors
Transient Error Compensation in Sensorless Control of PMSM
Flux Estimation by Asymmetric Carrier Injection for Sensorless Direct Torque Control of PMSM
Modelling Study of Sensorless Vector Control of Four-Phase Induction Machines Based on MRAS
Sensorless Starting Method for Brushless DC Motors using 180 Degree Commutation
A Novel Four Layer Switch Reluctance Motor with High Torque and Ripple Reduction
A Novel Structure for Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines with Internal Stator
Rotor Parameter optimization of Synchronous Reluctance Machine by Using Taguchi Method
Sensitivity Analysis to the Design Parameters of a Hysteresis Motor
A Brushless Contra-rotor Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for Marine Current Energy Generation
Selective Harmonic Elimination for Cascaded Hbridge Rectifiers Based on Indirect Control
An Analytical Frequency-Domain Modeling of a Modular Multilevel Converter
Indirect Control for Cascaded H-bridge Rectifiers with Unequal Loads
Output Voltage Quality Intensification of Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverters Using FM PWM Technique
Capacitors Voltage Balancing Modeling in Three Phase Flying Capacitor Converters with Booster
Direct Torque Control of a Single Phase Induction Motor Using Feedback Linearization Control
Direct Virtual Torque Control of DFIG Grid Connection Using Indirect Matrix Converter
Performance Analysis of DTC Methods of Two-Phase Induction Motors with Different Inverter Topologies
Application of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter in DTC-SVM Based Induction Motor Drive
An Improved Direct Torque Control of Brushless DC Motors using Twelve Voltage Space Vectors
Reduction of Voltage and Torque Fluctuations in DFIGs Fed by MultiLevel Inverters
A Modified Vectorial Current Reference Calculation for Flexible Distributed Generations
Cost-effective Solution for Microgrid Power Quality Assurance Using Dual-output Four-leg Converter
The Study of Voltage Sag Detection by Improved S-transform
Hierarchical Sliding Mode Control of Paralleling Single-phase UPS Inverters
An MPC Method Based on a Hybrid Model of a Three-phase Inverter with Output LC- Filter
A new method for Selective Harmonic Elimination in Voltage Source Inverter using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm
Simulation and Implementation of a 300 Watt, Cascade Gama-LC Resonant Converter
Performance Improvement of a Double Stage Switch Mode AC Voltage Regulator
Development of a New Controller to Optimize Operation of a 500 Watt, Half-Bridge DC-DC Converter
Indirect Vector Control of Linear Induction Motor Considering End Effect
Decoupled Stator Flux Oriented Control for Induction Motor Fed by Indirect Matrix Converter
Implementation of Variable-Speed Asynchronous Drive Fed by Current Source Inverter
A Simple and Low-Cost Method for Three-phase Induction Motor Control in High-Speed Applications
A Robust Controller Design to Stabilize Induction Motor Drive Operation Using (IFOC) Method
NN-MRAS based speed estimator vs. RF-MRAS one: design and comparison
Bypass diode characteristic effect on the behavior of solar PV array at shadow condition
A Lifetime Improved Single Phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic Inverter
Design of Four-switch STATCOM for Voltage Control of Wind-Driven Squirrel Cage Induction Generator
A Novel Variable-Speed Wind Energy System Using Induction Generator and Six-Switch AC/AC Converter
Detecting harmful overcurrents in PV arrays at shadow condition through binary coding method
Doorsill effect and dependency factor between modules of solar PV array
A Swappable Single Phase Switched Reluctance Motor with Bifilar Drive Converter
Second Order Sliding Mode Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives with Maximized Efficiency
Analysis of 8/6 Two-Layer Switched Reluctance Motor with Rotor Shifting Technique for Servo Applications
Appraise and Comparison Two Type of Novel Two Phase Switched Reluctance Motor Configuration
Torque Control of Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor During Static Eccentricity Fault
Comparison of Power Fluctuation between Optislip and DFIG Controlled Wind Turbines
A Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Multilevel Cascaded Inverter and Capacitors as Energy Sources
Power Quality Improvement in DC Electric Arc Furnace Plants Utilizing Multi-Phase Transformers
The Effects of Transformer Connection Type on Voltage and Current Unbalance Propagation
Determination of the Transformer Turns Ratio in a DVR to Reduce the Switches Voltage Rating
Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner based on Single Stage Nine Switch Inverter
Distribution Electronic Power Transformer with Reduced Number of Power Switches
A Novel Method of Maximum Power Point Tracking for a SRG based Wind Power Generation System Using AI
DFIG Wind Turbine Three Single Phase Grid Side Converters Strategy Control
An Improved FLC Algorithm for Tracking Maximum Power Point in Photovoltaic Systems
An Equivalent Circuit Model for Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine Considering Core Loss
Power Management Strategy for a Multi-Hybrid Fuel Cell/Energy Storage Power Generation Systems
Voltage Quality Improvement in Islanded Microgrids Supplying Nonlinear Loads
A New Low Voltage Swing Gate Driver for Integrated Buck Converter with Synchronous Rectifier
Improved Configurations for Dc to Dc Buck and Boost Converters
A Self Powered Gate Drive Circuit for Tapped Inductor Buck Converter
Novel Multi-Input Bi-Directional Hybrid System to Manage Electric Vehicles in V2G and Plug-In Modes
Optimal Design of LLC Series Resonant Converter with Enhanced Controllability Characteristic
Single Z-source Based Cascaded Transformer Multilevel Inverter
Harmonic Optimization in Single DC source Multi- Level Inverters using RBF Neural Networks
Back-to-Back Stacked Multicell Converter
A New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switches
Stacked Multicell Cascaded transformer Multilevel Inverter
Tracker Design Using Composite Nonlinear Feedback with Application to a DC Servomotor
Resonance Based Contactless Energy Transfer
Single-phase Delta-conversion UPS With Reduced Components
A novel CDVM based high-voltage converter using low power solid-state switches and a tuned resonant circuit designed for pulsed power applications
Damping of Power System Oscillations Using PSS and TCSC Controllers Based PSO and Chaos Algorithms
New three phase PFCrectifier
A New and Novel Method in Production of DC Output from Single Phase AC Utilizing Odd Harmonics
A Novel Quasi-Resonant Three-Phase Soft-Switching Inverter
A New forward type zero voltage switching inverter
Assessment of Different Voltage Sags on Performance of Induction Motors operated with Shunt FACTS
Dynamic Modeling of a Wind Turbine with Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator
Mechanical Force Optimization on Superconductor Element of Shield-type Superconducting FCLs
A New Approach for Efficiency Optimizing of Single-Phase Induction Motors
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