نماد سایت فراخوان مقاله کنفرانس، همایش، مجله و ژورنال علمی پژوهشی

Applied Research Journal

Applied Research Journal is a multidisciplinary seeks to promote and disseminate the knowledge by publishing original research findings, review articles and short communications in the broad field of applied sciences.The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately after acceptance. All articles published in ARJ will be peer-reviewed

Indexing: End Note and ResearcherID Of Thomson Reuters, Google scholar,  Research Bible,  Academia.edu,  International standard serial number(ISSN),   Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI),  General Impact Factor(GIF),   Scientific Indexing Services (SIS),  Electronic Journals Library,  Journal Database (ZDB) ZDB-ID:2821238-1,  Open J-Gate,  International Institute of Organized Research(I2OR), International Society for Research Activity (ISRA),  Journal Index.net,  JIFACTOR,  UBL University, WorldCat , CiteFactor, WZB.
Physical Sciences and Engineering:
•Chemical Engineering, •Chemistry, •Computer Science, •Earth and Planetary Science, •Energy, •Mathematics, •Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, •Material Science, •Statistics, •Comparison of chemistry and physics, •Natural and physical sciences, •Earth science, •Biophysics, •Mathematics and Computer Science Research, •Pure and Applied Chemistry, •Geology and Mining Research, •Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, •Internet and Information Systems, •Oceanography and Marine Science,•Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels,•Computer Science and Engineering, •Electrical Engineering, •Civil Engineering, •Infrastructure Engineering, •Electronics & Communication Engineering, •Industrial Engineering, •Mechanical Engineering, •Manufacturing Engineering, •Graphics and Multimedia, •Software Engineering, •Biological Engineering, •Chemical Engineering, •Agricultural engineering, •Remote sensing and information system.

Please note that Review Papers/Articles are also acceptable. 
Once a paper is accepted, authors are assumed to cede copyrights of the paper over to ARJ. All papers will be acknowledged and referred.




[اطلاعات کامل ژورنال]

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